AGM 2025

On March 7th, starting at 7:00pm the Binbrook Ag Society is pleased to host our Annual General Meeting for the Members of the BAS, and the general public. We will be returning to an in person meeting this year. We will also be having a dessert potluck following the meeting so please bring your favourite treat.

New members and old, everyone welcome.
2024 Memberships should be purchased through the office in advance to save time, but will also be available for purchase that evening in cash only.

Supporting documents are subject to change without notice, please verify you have the latest version. (date versioning in file name)
If you want a hard copy printed up for you please contact the office to arrange a time to pick up a copy.

Please ensure that you have reviewed the Draft Agenda in advance. Any questions to the reports or new business to be included, must be submitted to the Board no later than 7:00 pm on Tuesday Feb 20th for approval in the Final Agenda. The Final Agenda will be posted to the BAS website no less that 24 hours in advance of the AGM and provided at the meeting.

Meeting Supporting Documents will be posted at a later date: